But for some reason, today I have hope. Like a mother who's forgotten the pain of childbirth deciding on one more child, I am convinced it's a good idea and this time will be different!! Perhaps it's because there is an "appointment" TV show on - THE PRINCESS PROTECTION PROGRAM premieres on the Disney channel tonight starring two of the hottest stars to light up the pre-tween sky, Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez. Now I am not a fan of these stars, in spite of the fact that I actually sat right next to Selena Gomez at the KIT, AN AMERICAN GIRL movie premiere. But my daughter is, so that's enough for me. "Let's have a sleepover!!" I think maniacally. The next thing you know there is an extra Nintendo DS, AG doll and 9 year old here and the girls want to swim! Luckily that's a dad thing so I can play Wordscraper on my computer and pretend it's an ordinary afternoon and that I will not be up until 3 AM screaming at the children. For dinner, it's chicken and french fries followed by popcorn mixed with yogos during the movie.
Now, at last, the movie is done, the girls have retired to the sleeping chamber and I have my living room back. It is mostly quiet. I am hopeful - this time they will sleep... this time there will be no weird shadows... no strange lights... This time they will not try to watch THRILLER on You Tube and stay up all night afraid they will have nightmares... This time will be different.
I don't know what made me decide that a sleepover would be a good idea tonight but frankly, I'm glad I did... I think it must be the emergence of "Summer Mom". Still hovering, but not quite so low, with no homework to check and no lunches to pack, she can now be spontaneous and fun-loving with little fear of reprisal. Okay, so maybe I need to get her to the rink on time and make sure her hair is not in her face, see to it that she has all her swim team equipment and running shoes on for "dry land" and liberally apply sunscreen all day long. Well, as long as she's going to be outside. But "Summer Mom" knows she will be outside because that's what summer is for - outdoor activities! Sitting in front of the TV all summer long wouldn't work for "Summer Mom" or "Helicopter Mom". Except for the occasional sleepover... And maybe they will be more than occasional this summer. IF they can fall asleep tonight!!!